Fall Class Schedule 2019-2020
CLICK HERE for a printable PDF of our 2019–2020 FALL Class Schedule!
Don't see a class that meets your day/time needs? Give us a call! We often add classes as we aim to do all we can to build our schedule around what YOU need!

Holiday Schedule 2019-2020
We’ll be closed:
Nov 27– 30 = Thanksgiving*
Dec 21 – Jan 1 = Winter Recess
Feb 15–21 = February Recess
Apr 18–24 = April Recess
May 25 = Memorial Day*
We’ll be open:
Sep 30/Oct 1 & 11 = Rosh Hashanah
Oct 9 = Yom Kippur
Oct 14 = Columbus Day
Nov 11 = Veteran’s Day
Jan 20 = MLKing Day Apr 10 = Good Friday
You have not been charged for Thanksgiving break & full week vacations. Closings marked * should be made-up. Please check schedule for age-appropriate alternative.
* Community Partners programs
Ballroom is Back! Tuesdays & Thursdays PLUS Sunday workshops and Special Events! Contact: breanamutz@gmail.com
Have a class YOU want to Teach/Offer? Contact us today to learn how we can help get you started!
Wanna Party??
Book online at twistandshoutparties.com or via e-mail: director@adancersdream.net