Even more to come! We’ll be adding Adult Classes throughout the season so keep checking back!
Ageless (Adult) Tap
This class is perfect for whatever level you are currently at! You'll feel accomplished, be inspired, and have a blast being challenged to learn new rhythms while working out the stresses of your week as this American born style explodes on your feet. Dress Code is casual. Wear which ever tap shoe style is comfortable for you (yes, we have a shop here at the studio if you wish to grab a new pair). Drop-In payment options available OR $ave with a class $eries!
Mon 6:00pm
Ageless (Adult) Ballet
Whether you're new to Ballet or have had a life long love of the art form, this class will help you increase strength, flexibility, balance, and grace. And, you'll feel fabulous! Dress Code is casual. Wear what you are comfortable moving in. Ballet slippers suggested. (yes, we have a shop here at the studio if you wish to grab a new pair). Drop-In payment options available OR $ave with a class $eries!
Wed 7:00pm